
Maintaining Your Gold Fish Bowl

Maintaining Your Gold Fish Bowl

So you’ve just won a goldfish at the fair and as you take it home in its plastic bag you think to yourself, “How am I going to take care of this thing?” Here’s some ideas for keeping your goldfish that you named Freddy into becoming, well, Deady. Know when to changeTypically you should change your fishbowl weekly when it is starting to get a bit too cloudy. Where to put FreddyWhen you have a primary bowl, you will also need a smaller, secondary bowl that is similar. The night that you are planning on moving your goldfish to his...

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Basic Fish Care Tips

Basic Fish Care Tips

A good aquarist knows that a properly maintained aquarium can be breathtaking. However, if not maintained properly, you will end up with an ugly fish tank and dead fish.Things you’ll want to avoid:● Overstocking Your Tank:  We all want a little variety to our aquarium, but don’t get carried away with too many fish. When overstocked, a fish tank will build up waste products such as ammonia and nitrites which are harmful to your fish in large amounts. These are caused by the byproducts of urine and feces your fish produce, as well as uneaten food rotting on the bottom...

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How to Switch a Tank From Freshwater to Saltwater

How to Switch a Tank From Freshwater to Saltwater

Keeping fish can be a rewarding hobby, and when many aquarists first get started they often stick solely with freshwater tanks. Freshwater aquariums are simpler, less expensive and easier to care for, but as your experience grows, you may find yourself more and more tempted by the diversity, colors and exotic appeal of a saltwater aquarium. Fortunately, when you are ready to switch from freshwater to saltwater you don't need to buy a new tank – if you know how to convert your existing tank correctly. Education First Freshwater and saltwater may both be aquariums, but they can be worlds...

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How to Adjust the pH Level of Your Aquarium

How to Adjust the pH Level of Your Aquarium

Understanding your aquarium's pH is essential to keep the water healthy, and if adjustments are necessary, there are easy ways for any aquarium keeper to safely alter the overall pH without stressing their resident fish. What Is pH? pH is a measure of the water's acidity. The pH scale ranges from 1-14, with completely neutral water measuring a pH of 7. Lower numbers indicate more acidic water, while higher numbers indicate more alkaline or basic water. Different chemicals dissolved in the water, including organic compounds from decaying plants, leftover food or fish feces, affect the pH and change the neutrality...

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Choosing an Aquarium Filter

Choosing an Aquarium Filter

A proper filter is the most important piece of equipment needed to keep an aquarium healthy, but how do you choose the best filter for your tank? What a Filter Does Aquarium filters remove excess waste, particles, chemicals and debris from tanks, keeping water cleaner and healthier for resident fish. If waste products build up in the tank, fish can become stressed and are more susceptible to illnesses. Filters can operate in three different ways to clean the water… Mechanical Filtration: In a mechanical filter, water is forced through a medium that physically catches particles and debris so it does...

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