Using a Fish Feeding Ring

Despite what some people may think, sometimes feeding fish isn’t easy. Fortunately there is a cool device out there called a fish feeding ring. Here we will discuss what a fish feeding ring is and how it can work for you:

What it is
A fish feeder ring is a device that floats on water attached to a suction cup that holds it to the tank. It’s pretty simplistic right?  You put food in the middle, ensuring that the food stays all in one place. It’s like a trough for fish!

How it can work for you
There are a lot of reasons that this simple device it great. First of all it keeps all of the food in one place so it’s not drifting everywhere. That makes clean-up simpler and also prevents food from getting sucked into the filter.

Another effective use is when you have fish finicky about what they want to eat. You can set up one ring for the majority of the fish and then set up another one with the different type of food in it. The feeding ring will keep the foods from getting mixed up and the finicky fish will know exactly where to go for their food.

Finally, if you have one fish that bullies the rest of your fish out of food, feeding rings can help alleviate that. The key is to set up multiple rings. While the bully is going for one of the rings, the other fish can eat from the other feeders you set up.

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